How to Learn Programming?

Do you want to learn programming in 2022??

Do you want to build a website like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or something like WhatsApp?

You are very interested in these websites or applications and decide to learn to code. You wish to create the next Facebook, Instagram, or other popular application. So, what strategy will you employ to create such a website?

The most common approach which most of the people follow is…

To begin learning to code, you purchase programming-related books recommended by a blog post or website, or you enrol in programming classes or tutorials on YouTube (or any other resource). You initially appreciate and love watching the tutorial, and you feel like you are learning a lot of great programming concepts and fresh information. The majority of novice programmers become overwhelmed with so many concepts and are unable to progress from one tutorial to the next. When they are required to begin a real-world activity without assistance, the situation gets increasingly difficult and frustrating for them. They do not comprehend logic, where to begin, how to solve a given problem, or how to independently construct a specific module.

Yes, that’s correct… so how to learn to code, what’s the best approach to learn programming…?

In fact, the majority of coding novices encounter this issue. When you begin working on a real-world project, you become frustrated since you are unable to apply all the concepts you learned from tutorials. Therefore, the greatest advise for learning programming in 2022 is to utilise a project-based approach. Create as many projects as possible to improve your problem-solving abilities in programming. Keep in mind that programming is not about knowing a language (Python, C++, Java, etc.), but rather about being able to solve issues. Employers require problem-solvers in the workplace, so problem-solving skills should take precedence during interviews.

So how to build the problem-solving skill while learning to code? tell me the steps I should follow to learn programming…

Let’s discuss the steps to learn programming and some tips to build problem-solving skills…

1. Choose a Language and Understand the Basic Fundamentals Concepts

Numerous novices bypass the fundamentals in favour of flashy tools and technologies. This will not work in interviews or while constructing any project. If your principles are unclear, you will get more perplexed and preoccupied. Choose the programming language that you are most comfortable with (Python or C++ are good, but it depends on your final objective) and learn its syntax and fundamental ideas (variables, conditionals, operators, loops, etc).

Create programmes and lay the groundwork using your prefered programming language. If you are enrolled in college, then institutions are excellent at teaching fundamental principles; otherwise, you can utilise the internet. GeeksforGeeks, Codecademy, and HackerRank, among others, are useful for learning the foundations. Following are some helpful guidelines to follow when beginning with fundamentals. This will also enhance your ability to solve problems.

  • Most of the courses start with teaching the programming language, that’s good but understand how to use the programming language to solve the problems. For example how to solve the problem of the addition of two numbers.
  • Stick with one language. Don’t try to learn everything initially. Most beginners keep jumping to one language to another language which is just a waste of time. Initially, it’s good to stick with one language. If you want to become a Java developer then learn java. Learning the first language is difficult for most of the newbie programmers but your brain will eventually get syntax once you start practicing every day.
  • Try to make programs every single day without leaving any gap even if it’s just one or two. Try to make small programs first and then move to the complex one but maintain consistency.
  • Adapt a good learning strategy. For example: instead of consuming all the theories first and then jumping to making the programs follow a 2:1 ratio between conceptual learning and active learning. It means after every two hours of conceptual learning spend an hour in practical exposure or active learning.
  • Make a small application or project based on fundamentals you have learned. For example, make a calculator or something that is interesting for you. Learn how to google when you get stuck somewhere.

2. Learn Data Structure and Algorithms

Data Structure and Algorithms constitute the core of programming. Once you have mastered one or more programming languages and have created some simple programmes, the next step is to study data structures and algorithms. If you understand the principles of data structure and algorithms, you will develop problem-solving skills more effectively. Understand that not all data structures can be used everywhere, thus to solve any type of problem, you must first develop an algorithm, which is a step-by-step procedure, and then choose the appropriate data structure to solve the problem. The correct combination of data structure and algorithm is crucial for problem solving.

Learn to implement data structures and algorithms, and practise doing so every day in your programming language. GeeksforGeeks is a wonderful place 4 novices to begin practising data structure and algorithm problems. Following are some helpful guidelines to keep in mind when learning these two principles.

  • Again don’t try to consume all the theories or concepts of data structures and algorithms in one go. Learn a single topic, practice on the sites we have mentioned above and then move to the next topic. You can adapt a specific learning strategy that is fit for you. One we have already mentioned in the previous step (2:1 ratio).
  • When you move to the complex problem, break the large problems in smaller chunks and then solve these chunks to get the final output or solution.
  • Practice, practice and practice enough. Get your hands dirty in programming and if it’s possible participate in competitive programming on different websites. You will gain confidence and you will become much better in problem-solving.
  • Learn how to use these data structures and algorithms in real-world projects. For example: In web applications, you will find a lot of use of Array and Strings.
  • You know the basic concept, you know the fundamentals of data structure and algorithms, now build an application based on whatever you have learned. You can also try to use these concepts to implement a feature in your previous application or project, that will help you to expand your project and it will give you the exposure to solve the problems.

3. Build Projects

As indicated previously, when it comes to constructing a project alone, the majority of novice programmers become stuck. You believe that all the tutorials and exercises are a waste of time because they are not applicable to your project. You absorb a great deal from tutorials, but you are unable to implement all the principles and logic in your project... Relax!

It might be your portfolio, a web application, an Android application, or a game of your choosing. It is preferable to begin with simpler projects before moving on to more complex ones. You can attempt to create or initiate a website similar to I am TK. Numerous novices do not comprehend what should be included in their projects. Here is the illustration.

If you want to create an eCommerce website, you should begin by developing small functionality. You can begin with the signup or login form, then proceed to the navigation bar or another function. Therefore, instead of performing all tasks simultaneously, examine the entire project and divide it into smaller challenges or chunks. It depends on the intricacy of your project as to which elements must be developed first. Initially, you will make numerous errors and encounter numerous issues, but this is how you will learn to construct and manage complicated projects. You should adhere to the following guidelines while creating a project.

  • Learn to use some good tools, editors or debuggers to use in your project. Learn how to use developer tools (for web applications, the most essential thing to learn), templates, package or library wherever needed.
  • When you get stuck somewhere or find an error read the error message carefully. Most of the newbie programmers avoid the error message but it’s really helpful in solving the issues. Also, google the problems or errors you encounter while building your project. In most of the cases, you will find answer on Stackoverflow which is a very good community for developers.
  • Avoid too much perfection in your project. You will end up with procrastination and slow progress in your project.
  • Remember that there’s no perfect code — so avoid over-engineering things and move forward. First, make it work, then make it right, and finally make it fast.

4. Explore

Your journey does not conclude when you complete your project. Explore as much as possible in the field of computer science. Computer Science is a vast and diverse field; therefore, investigate what interests you the most. You can explore several topics, like Machine Learning, Cloud Computing, Systems Programming, Mobile App Development, Blockchain, Virtual Reality, and Web Development, among others. There are a large number of projects on Github and internet resources available. According to your interests, you can locate online tutorials and projects. Learn from it and attempt to create projects on it.

Examine the various approaches and methods employed by other developers. Adopt the practise of reading code on GitHub or Stack Overflow. There are numerous solutions to a single problem. Adapt the best programming practises to solve the problem. Join an online technology community, contribute to open source projects, or enter a competition. Participate in ACM-ICPC and GSoC if you are a student. The more you investigate and practise programming, the better you will become.