JavaScript Roadmap to Becoming a 100k/Year Developer

If you want to advance your career in software development and want to do so in JavaScript, congratulations, you made a wise decision. Regardless, this road will be difficult, difficult, and challenging at times. Remember not to leave. If you have enough experience, your annual revenue will exceed $100,000. So, let's get started on achieving this aim and creating something wonderful.

First, you must be certain that you want to study JavaScript as the most effective language for advancing your profession. If you are unsure, keep in mind that it is the most used programming language, according to the Developer Survey, and it also has the widest range of use-cases. Any other reservations? No? Let's get started.

Basics as a pure language

The first thing you must learn is the fundamentals of JavaScript. What are they? There are three of them: expressions, types, and variables. After you've grasped the fundamentals, you can go on to more advanced topics. Discover functions, loops, scope, and arrays. This is nearly everything you need to know to understand the fundamentals of this language. When you understand these principles, you understand all of the basic notions and can execute basic operations, but only on a console. As a result, you must begin using JavaScript for the purpose for which it was designed: take care of the DOM

The time needed: 1 week

Basics as DOM manipulator

The DOM of a webpage can be easily handled by JavaScript. So you may learn how to choose an element using methods such as getElementById and then update a page when a button is hit. A dynamic website can be created using JavaScript. As a result, you can generate output based on some costume data. A set of modest textual posts on a page could be an interesting small project. All of the text is contained within an array, and you loop through it to add it to the page. JavaScript also adds a very simple element to the DOM. Then, learn everything there is to know about forms and how to use them with JavaScript. This is undoubtedly beneficial. Then you understand how to manipulate the DOM. You'll need some data to put on it now.

The time needed: 1 week

Requests to get data

The information you post on a website may change over time. They are sometimes generated as a result of an API request. So you must understand how to handle HTTP requests, as well as all of the most crucial methods and codes. This is the phase that takes the least amount of code yet is crucial. Projects with no API queries are uncommon and frequently fail. So, make an effort to learn everything about HTTP as thoroughly as possible.

The time needed: 2 days

JavaScript principles for intermediate and advanced users

Let's get back to coding. This is most likely the most difficult phase of the journey. There is nothing you can't do after that. This section requires you to understand ideas that are a little tough to grasp yet are required to develop large codebases.

Here are a few examples: Closures, the "this" keyword, "let", "const", arrow functions, and sockets are all available. Once you've mastered that, you can progress to Objects and OOP. It is also encouraged that you try writing code in TypeScript to make this section more understandable. Asynchronous programming, functional programming, and data structures follow.

This appears to be overpowering, and it may be at times. But keep in mind that this step is required to continue on the journey. After that, the rest will seem simple. If you choose to miss some of this, you will not comprehend concepts based on some of these topics in the future, and you will have to return to learn, which will be more difficult. So, make an effort now, once and for all.

The time needed: 2 to 4 weeks

Start using simple libraries and framework

JavaScript has a lot of libraries and frameworks that are powerful and useful to build a lot of different things.

Before using the most advanced one, start with basics, to understand how to move. The best choices could be Chart.js, to generate all the charts that you want to visualize data, Moment.js, to work with dates and time in general, or JsPDF, to create PDFs.

The time needed: 1 week

Advanced UI frameworks

Now you can start to implement more powerful frameworks and libraries. To become professional, you need sure to master a UI framework, like React, Angular, or Vue.js.

You need these frameworks to create proper and working interfaces, manipulate the DOM in the best way possible, making all the best functionalities that your site needs. You can’t learn all this framework. You have to pick one and master it. I suggest you React but make your research to understand which fits you the most.

The time needed: 1 month


Moving on, you should be aware that JavaScript can be run on your own machine rather than in a browser. This is due to the Node.js runtime, which is based on the Chrome V8 engine. Before you begin coding, I recommend that you conduct some theoretical research. You must now learn how to utilise Node.js, instal it, and develop on it. The npm (node package manager) is a crucial issue because it is used to instal dependencies as well as construct your own. Create anything with Node.js and experiment with some npm libraries to ensure you understand how to utilise it. I recommend that you use Express, a JavaScript-based tool for creating APIs and developing the backend of an application. After that, you're one step closer to learning Fullstack JavaScript. You have accomplished a great deal thus far.

The time needed: 3 to 5 weeks


Other items are data saved in databases, which is the final stage in full-stack JavaScript. MongoDB is the best fit for JavaScript because of its library support and versatility. It is a very fast and modern NoSQL database that you can use locally or host online on the Atlas website. You're practically done if you've mastered it.

The time needed: 2 weeks

Last but not least, you should try to work on mobile development. The ideal method is to use React Native, a JavaScript toolkit for creating cross-platform mobile applications. If you choose to study React in the previous steps, this final step will be rather simple for you. Create some UI and mobile apps. Your journey is then complete.

The time needed: 4weeks

Notes To succeed in this trip, you must produce some project at each stage to ensure that you understand the point of what you are learning and that you have something to show and see that drives you to keep going.


You have completed your journey. You can work as a JavaScript developer and earn over $100,000 each year. Isn't it incredible? You did an excellent job, and your efforts were well rewarded.

So, in general, this is the greatest path to becoming a professional JavaScript developer in 2022. Remember that all of the steps can vary depending on your prior familiarity with other languages and paradigms. So, give it your all and study everything you can to achieve. Good luck, and have fun on your travels.