The Day You Became A Better Programmer

When I first began programming in 1992, there was no internet, there was no StackOverflow, and we weren't sure if there would ever be a GitHub. When we got stuck, our only options for finding solutions were books, programming manuals, self-practice, and peer assistance.

Since I began programming 30 years ago, I have read a tonne of books, taken a tonne of courses, and learned from some of the best minds in the software developer industry.

I've written these suggestions to help you improve as a programmer more quickly while avoiding wasting time and effort.

There are many ways to improve as a programmer, and the specific steps you ought to take will depend on your goals and level of expertise right now. Here are a few general tactics that can assist you in honing your abilities:

Only practise can make you perfect

Writing code was how I practised, and I would then set a challenge to reduce the amount of code necessary to achieve the same results. As you write more code, you'll become more familiar with the syntax and building blocks of your chosen programming language (s). Try to optimise your projects' stability, memory usage, processing speed, and lines of code.

Keep Learning, Be a self-learner

Utilize online resources like blogs, forums, and tutorials to gain knowledge from more seasoned programmers. Attend conferences or meetups, and think about getting involved in a study group or finding a mentor to help you with your learning.

Stay updated

Because technology and programming languages are always changing, it's critical to keep up with the latest innovations and industry standards. Learn as much as you can about semantics, structures, methodology, tools, and techniques.

Don’t run away from challenging projects

Don't be hesitant to take on tasks that are outside of your comfort zone or that initially seem too challenging. These projects can offer excellent chances to develop as a programmer.

Be detail-oriented

Be thorough and pay attention to the little things when working. Design an effective and efficient solution by taking the time to comprehend the issue you are attempting to solve.

Write clean, well-documented code

It's important to establish good coding habits as you gain experience, such as writing code that is simple to read and comprehend and commenting your code to outline your thought process. This will make it simpler for both you and other people to work with your code and for you to return to it in the future.

Make your code more understandable to others by using comments and documentation to describe your thought process. Here are some pointers for creating tidy code:

  1. Use descriptive and meaningful names: Choose descriptive and meaningful names for your variables, functions, and other elements in your code. Avoid using abbreviations or single letters unless they are well-known and widely accepted (e.g. “i” for a loop index).
  2. Use consistent formatting: Use a consistent style for formatting your code, including things like indentation, whitespace, and curly braces. This will make your code easier to read and understand.
  3. Keep it simple: Don’t overcomplicate your code. Use simple, straightforward solutions whenever possible. Avoid writing unnecessarily complex code, as it will be harder to understand and maintain.
  4. Break up long blocks of code: If you have a long block of code, consider breaking it up into smaller, more manageable chunks. This will make your code easier to read and understand.
  5. Use comments: Use comments to explain your thought process and to provide context for your code. However, be sure to use comments sparingly and only where they are necessary. Too many comments can make your code harder to read.

Follow coding standards and guidelines

Adhere to coding standards and guidelines that are relevant to your programming language and project. This will help ensure that your code is consistent with industry best practices. Here are a few examples of coding standards and guidelines that are commonly followed in different programming languages:

  1. In Python, the PEP 8 style guide is a widely accepted set of coding standards and guidelines. It covers topics such as code layout, naming conventions, and best practices for writing Python code.
  2. In Java, the Java Code Conventions is a set of guidelines for writing Java code. It covers topics such as naming conventions, code layout, and commenting.
  3. In C++, the C++ Core Guidelines is a set of coding standards and guidelines developed by the C++ community. It covers topics such as naming conventions, code layout, and best practices for writing C++ code.
  4. In C#, the C# Coding Conventions is a set of guidelines for writing C# code. It covers topics such as naming conventions, code layout, and commenting.
  5. In JavaScript, the Airbnb JavaScript Style Guide is a widely followed set of coding standards and guidelines. It covers topics such as code layout, naming conventions, and best practices for writing JavaScript code.

It would be best if you always referred to the standards and guidelines for programming languages and projects specific to your development expertise.

Test your code

Test your code thoroughly to ensure that it is working correctly and as intended. This will help you catch and fix any issues before they become problems. Here are a few steps you can follow to test your code as a programmer:

  1. Identify the goals of your test: Before you start testing, it’s important to understand what you are trying to achieve. What are you testing for? What do you hope to accomplish with your test? Having a clear set of goals will help you focus your efforts and make your testing more effective.
  2. Read/Write test cases: Test cases show specific scenarios under which the software should work, and you should test it. It describes the expected inputs and outputs for your code. Reading/Writing test cases before you start coding can help you understand what your code needs to do and can also help you identify any potential issues or edge cases that you might need to account for.
  3. Run your tests: Once you are done with the software development, you can start running your tests. This typically involves executing your code with the test cases as inputs and verifying that the outputs are as expected. You may need to run your tests multiple times to ensure that your code is working correctly.
  4. Debug your code: If your tests fail, you will need to debug your code to identify and fix the issue. This may involve using a debugger or other tools to step through your code, or simply reviewing your code and identifying any errors or bugs.
  5. Refactor your code: As you test and debug your code, you may find that certain parts of your code can be improved or made more efficient. In this case, you may want to refactor your code, which involves making changes to the structure or design of your code without changing its behavior.
  6. Repeat as necessary: Testing is an ongoing process, and you may need to run your tests multiple times and make changes to your code as you go. Be sure to continue testing and debugging until you are confident that your code is working correctly and is of high quality.

By making testing a regular part of your workflow, you can ensure that your code is reliable and of high quality.

Be persistent

Don’t give up easily. Be willing to put in the time and effort to solve complex problems, and you can stay focused and motivated even when faced with challenges.

Don’t be shy. Communicate effectively

Become a good programmer with the ability to explain your ideas and solutions in writing and person.

You are adaptable

You are ready to adapt to changing requirements and technologies. Show your team members and stakeholders you are flexible and able to learn and apply new skills as needed.