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With over 200+ subscription providers, FlexSub provides at least 50% off for most of your favorite services!

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How it works?

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Find the subscription you want to subscribe to and confirm how long you would like to subscribe.

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Once you have confirmed your subscription, proceed with your order payment.

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Once the order has been confirmed, we will provide you with an activated account.

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Better, flexible and cheaper subscriptions for a wide range of services in just a click of a button.

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Frequently asked questions

You should be able to checkout the cost for each of the services based on the frequency of your subscription. Here is the link to all our subscription services
Yes of cause, you can cancel your subscription at any time you want by getting in touch with our team, and the subscription will be terminated after finishing up the current subscription cycle.
The smooth running of your subscription is guaranteed: once your payment card has been verified, you will obtain access to the subscription within 24 hours, and you have the possibility of opening a complaint if your requests are not successful within 24 hours: our team will carry out the checks and cancel your participation free of charge if necessary.
Depending on the service you are subscribing to, you can provide your account to us and we will activate the subscription for you, or we provide an activated account to you.
We've got numerous ways of accessing subscriptions services with a flexible and economic pricing model that are competitive in the market, while also providing the same full set of functionalities.
Please get in touch with our team if you are interested in a service that we haven't provided yet, we will make sure we could meet your requirements.
Nothing too much difference as both of them will have the same functionalities, the only difference is the account might be accessed by 2 to 3 people.
Yes and certainly just like a flatmate, instead of renting a house, you can rent a room for your need. You can use our share accounts in order to save up some subscription costs from your side, making it cheaper and more flexible for you
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