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Are you starting a new project, learning a new technology, or developing a new feature and you already know how you're going to implement it and what you're going to do with the exception of... the data that you'll use?

✨1. PokéAPI

Yes, I still play pokemon go when I go for a walk with my dog, so this is one of my favorites! Who else relates?
PokéAPI aims to provide a single source that has a lot of pokemon information (moves, types, abilities)!


GIPHY is the world's largest GIF and video library and lets you customize a suite of powerful features. What are you waiting to bring more fun to your project? 🎡🎢🎆

✨3. Open Weather

With this API, you are not allowed to not know what weather will it be tomorrow! Open Weather API collects and processes weather data from different sources such as global and local weather models, satellites, radars, and a vast network of weather stations ⛈️🥶🧊

✨4. {JSON} Placeholder

When you need a fake API for testing and prototyping, JSON Placeholder got you cover! Also, they have a pretty good guide with examples.🔥⚙️👩‍💻

Star Wars Chewbacca


Ok.. SWAPI what? SWAPI stands for "Star Wars API" and they have all the data that you need: planets, spaceships,vehicles, films and species.

✨6. NASA

Since we are talking about stars, lets keep the theme and check the NASA API! It provides authentic data from NASA including image data gathered by NASA's Curiosity, Opportunity, and Spirit rovers on Mars! How cool is this? 🧑‍🚀🚀👽

✨7. Unsplash

This is a life savier! How many times did we need to build a gallery or a landing page and we didn't know where to get awesome and quality images? Unsplash API is here for us!📸🌳🌼


Yes, has an API! This is pretty cool if you are building a personal website and want to display your super interesting blog posts! Choose "articles" and you can request for all articles or only yours with
curl 🤯💖👀

✨9. Breaking Bad

Are you a Breaking Bad fan and one of those who knows all the quotes? Then you must check this API. It lets you get quotes, characters, episodes, deaths... 💀🎩😎

✨10. Random Data

Do you want to be creative and use something different on your project? Maybe a game where you get a random beer or computer? Random Data API provides you that and also mimics the hash returned by omniauth resources like github! 🐱💻🍺

✨11. Rest Countries

Rest Countries lets you get information about countries via a RESTful API and when I mean information, is like, everything. You can also check the code on GitLab and sponsor the owner

Rick and Morty

✨12. Rick and Morty

The Ricks Must Be Crazy! No, it's a not miniature universe inside a battery but it's pretty close! This API lets you query by episode, characters, locations.. well the difficult part will be to pick what to query

Pluralsight and CodeCademy and FrontendMasters and Coding
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