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Mindvalley review introduction
It's time to assess the platform as a whole after putting three Mindvalley online courses (Superbrain, Lifebook Online, and The Habit of Ferocity) through our meticulous assessment procedure. You can find out everything there is to know about the online learning platform Mindvalley in our review, along with our recommendation to readers.
So, did we successfully overcome the valley of the mind and get to actual enlightenment, or did we fall down it? Let's investigate.
What is Mindvalley?
Vishen Lakhiani founded the online learning platform Mindvalley in 2002. It is one of the most effective online learning platforms now in use, with a staggering 10 million students globally. Additionally, the Mindvalley platform offers more than 1200 qualified educators from various backgrounds.
In addition to having a large number of committed students, Mindvalley also has another outstanding statistic to its credit. Their Quests (the name for Mindvalley courses) have a completion rate that is 333% higher than the industry standard. This is obviously not a case of pure luck.
In all of their courses, Mindvalley employs methods and motivators based on science. This is to guarantee that every quest offers the committed students tangible advantages in real life.
Mindvalley classes are broken up into daily chunks, which is different from other online learning environments. This helps you retain the course material over the long run and ensures that Mindvalley students practise every day.
Who is behind Mindvalley?
Entrepreneur Vishen Lakhiani, who was born in Malaysia, founded Mindvalley.
Lakhiani began his profession and relocated to the fabled Silicon Valley in 2001. He trained as an engineer there before rising to the position of senior leader at a flourishing startup. But Vishen experienced personal burnout as a result of Silicon Valley's relentlessly demanding "work till you drop" work ethic. He started practising advanced meditation after that and started a spiritual self-development quest. In the end, this adventure also resulted in the development of Mindvalley.

Lakhiani is now a well-known author, lecturer, and activist. The most well-known of his literary works is "The Code of The Extraordinary Mind," which he wrote. The book completely overtook the business world in 2017, becoming an all-time #1 bestseller on Amazon and holding that position for five days straight.
The advancement of human consciousness is Vishen Lakhiani's ultimate life objective. And he is motivated by this lofty vision in everything he does. In other words, Lakhiani always keeps the big picture in mind, whether he is giving a major speech in Africa or leading a meditation class. He frequently criticises outmoded educational systems and conventional notions of success for this reason as well.
What does Mindvalley do?
In general, Mindvalley's goal is to provide an alternative to conventional schooling. It is the so-called transformational education's modern forerunner. Let me quickly explain the word for people who aren't familiar with it.
A sociologist from the United States named Jack Mezirow created the transformative learning theory. Mezirow claims that meaningful, profound, and constructive learning are all part of transformative learning. This approach to learning is renowned for causing mental adjustments or even significant modifications in one's worldview.
As a result, you will develop your spirituality in addition to mastering a set of fixed abilities. Or, in more technical terms, improving your brain's plasticity.
By providing top-notch online courses, live seminars, mentorship programmes, and even spirituality applications, Mindvalley is a leader in transformational education.
Now that you know what Mindvalley is all about, let's look at how much the courses will set you back.
How much do Mindvalley courses cost?
Bought individually, Mindvalley online courses cost anywhere from $199 to $499. This price covers:
- Lifetime access to all of the course material.
- Yearly free upgrades to the course materials.
- Bonus materials (the nature of which depends on the class).
- Lifetime access to the Mindvalley learner community.
Even while Mindvalley courses are not the most affordable we've encountered, they do have some of the highest-quality content of all the platforms we've tested. And as of right now, we've assessed over a dozen e-learning platforms.
However, I would suggest completing one of the free Mindvalley Masterclasses to get a taste of the platform before investing in your first course. The revolutionary concepts offered in these weekly, 60-90 minute Masterclasses come from Mindvalley professors.
As they provide you a preview of what a full-length course would entail, Mindvalley Masterclasses are a great way to get started with Mindvalley courses.
What is Mindvalley All Access?

Mindvalley The Mindvalley subscription service is called All Access. You can sign up for all of Mindvalley's ongoing and upcoming quests with All Access for a single fee. More and more MOOC sites are starting to provide these kinds of online course subscription services as an alternative to single course purchases as they grow in popularity.
The All Access subscription package provides by far the best value for money for committed learners. Now let's look at why that is.
Since we started researching Mindvalley in 2020, the pricing of a yearly subscription to All Access has dropped from $599 to $499. By opting for the All Access plan instead of buying individual courses, you can immediately save some money if you attend three Mindvalley courses during a calendar year.
Review of Mindvalley Quests
Mindvalley Quests are split into 8 different categories:
- Mind
- Performance
- Body
- Soul
- Work
- Entrepreneurship
- Relationships
- Parenting
As you can see, Mindvalley has articles on a range of subjects. Quests is another name for Mindvalley's courses.
For those who are unaware, Mindvalley Quests are structured differently than other online courses. The Quests' content is broken up into daily reading and video sessions that last 10–20 minutes each. Additionally, a variety of assignments supplement the video and reading sessions.
Your success on this voyage depends on completing these activities. They entail applying all you learn in the real world. Additionally, since the entire subject is based on science, be sure to complete the assignments precisely as instructed. Even though certain duties initially seem stupid, don't skip any of them. You must pay attention to every last detail if you want to get the most out of Mindvalley Quest.
Despite being brief, the classes' average daily time is completely deliberate. It is the best time of day to thoroughly assimilate brand-new information. Have you ever wondered why the majority of TEDx lectures last around 18 minutes? Coincidence? No. Neuroscience? Yes.
You'll also notice that some of these chores need you to interact with your "tribe" in some way. A shared online group of individuals who are on the same path is known as the Mindvalley Tribe. You are frequently asked to reveal the specifics of your development in public. The Tribe will then supply you with comments, responses to your inquiries, and a general "support system."
Why is this system crucial to your development? You guessed it. Once more, the good ol' neuroscience is at work!
You'll rapidly come to understand that one of the secrets to automating your brain for high performance while taking Mindvalley Quests is sharing your goals, reasons, progress, and obstacles.
Mindvalley Events
Online programmes are not all that Mindvalley provides. Additionally, the Mindvalley community's dedicated members conduct a number of speeches, seminars, and workshops.
The events provide a fantastic opportunity for networking in addition to providing you with the chance to interact directly with spirituality specialists. In actuality, a number of startups have their roots in Mindvalley events.
Mindvalley review introduction
Now that we’ve taken three Mindvalley online courses (Superbrain, Lifebook Online, The Habit of Ferocity) through our rigorous review process, it’s time to evaluate the platform as a whole. In this Mindvalley review, you’ll learn all there is to know about the online learning platform and whether we recommend it to our readers.
So, did we tumble down the valley of the mind, or did we conquer the valley and achieve true enlightenment? Let’s find out.
What is Mindvalley?
Mindvalley is an online learning platform established in 2002 by Vishen Lakhiani. With a whopping 10 million students worldwide, it is among the most successful online learning platforms currently operating. The Mindvalley platform also has more than 1200 expert instructors from all walks of life.
In addition to having a lot of dedicated learners, Mindvalley can also boast with another remarkable statistic. Their Quests (a term used for Mindvalley courses) have a 333% better completion rate than the industry average. Obviously, this is not down to pure luck.
Mindvalley uses science-based motivators and systems in all their courses. This is to ensure that every single Quest gives tangible real life benefits to the dedicated students.
Unlike most online learning platforms, Mindvalley classes are split into daily fragments. This ensures that Mindvalley students practice on a daily basis and it goes a long way in making the course material stick with you long term.
Who is behind Mindvalley?
Mindvalley is the creation of Vishen Lakhiani, a Malaysian-born entrepreneur.
In 2001, Lakhiani started his career and moved to the legendary Silicon Valley. There, he became an engineer and eventually a senior leader at a successful startup. However, the extremely stressful “work until you collapse” work culture of Silicon Valley led to a personal burnout for Vishen. After this, he took up advanced meditation and embarked on a spiritual self development journey. This journey also ultimately led to the creation of Mindvalley.
These days, Lakhiani is an activist, a speaker, and an acclaimed author. His book, “The Code of The Extraordinary Mind”, is the most acclaimed of his literary works. In 2017, the book took the business world by storm, becoming an Amazon #1 bestseller across all categories, staying at the top spot for five consecutive days.
Vishen Lakhiani has the ultimate life goal of taking the human consciousness to the next level. And, this lofty idea drives him in everything he does. So, whether he is delivering a keynote in Africa or hosting a class on meditation, Lakhiani always has the big picture in mind. This is also why he is often critical of dated education systems and traditional definitions of success.
What does Mindvalley do?
In broad terms, Mindvalley has a mission of offering an alternative to traditional education. It is the modern pioneer of the so-called transformational education. For those unfamiliar with the term, allow me to give you a quick explanation.
Transformative Learning Theory was developed by Jack Mezirow, an American sociologist. According to Mezirow, transformative learning concerns useful, deep, and constructive learning. This method of studying is known for bringing about shifts in consciousness, or even fundamental changes in one’s worldview.
So, instead of only learning a certain fixed skillset, you will also be advancing yourself spiritually. Or, developing your brain plasticity, if you prefer more scientific terms.
Mindvalley pioneers transformational education by offering high-quality online courses, live seminars, mentorship programs, and even spirituality apps.
Now that you have an overview of what Mindvalley is about, let’s take a look at how much the courses cost.
How much do Mindvalley courses cost?
Bought individually, Mindvalley online courses cost anywhere from $199 to $499. This price covers:
- Lifetime access to all of the course material.
- Yearly free upgrades to the course materials.
- Bonus materials (the nature of which depends on the class).
- Lifetime access to the Mindvalley learner community.
While Mindvalley courses are not the cheapest we’ve seen, they do contain some of the best-produced and high-quality content out of all the platforms we’ve tested. And we’ve evaluated more than a dozen e-learning platforms by now.
But, before purchasing your first course, I would advise getting a taste of Mindvalley by taking one of the free Mindvalley Masterclasses. These 60-90 minute Masterclasses are presented each week and feature transformative ideas from Mindvalley teachers.
Mindvalley Masterclasses are an excellent introduction to Mindvalley courses, as they give you a taste of what you can expect from a full-length course.
If you already have many positive experiences with Mindvalley, I would suggest purchasing an All Access subscription. This service is what we will be looking at next.
What is Mindvalley All Access?
Mindvalley All Access is the subscription service of Mindvalley. With All Access, you can enroll in all the current and future Quests of Mindvalley for a single price. These types of online course subscription services are becoming increasingly popular, with more and more MOOC sites offering them as an alternative to single course purchases.
For dedicated learners, the All Access subscription plan offers by far the best value-for-money. Let’s examine why that is.
A yearly subscription to Mindvalley All Access now costs $499 (the price has been reduced by $100 since we began reviewing Mindvalley back in 2020). If you take three Mindvalley courses within a single year, you’ve already saved some money by going for the All Access instead of individual course purchases.
Here’s what you get when you pay for Mindvalley All Access:
- Unlimited access to all Mindvalley Quests.
- Coaching sessions with Mindvalley authors.
- Access to Mindvalley University.
- Printable certificates for Mindvalley courses.
- Access to Mindvalley’s learning community.
Luckily, All Access also offers a trial period of 7 days. So, potential customers can try the service entirely free of risk. There is a 100% compensation for people not satisfied with the Mindvalley classes. I suggest you give Mindvalley All Access a try if you liked any of Mindvalley’s courses.
Mindvalley also offers All Access For Business, a service entirely dedicated to training teams. So, if your company is looking for a performance boost, Mindvalley For Business is an option worthy looking into.
Review of Mindvalley Quests
Mindvalley Quests are split into 8 different categories:
- Mind
- Performance
- Body
- Soul
- Work
- Entrepreneurship
- Relationships
- Parenting
As you see, Mindvalley offers content on a variety of topics. The courses from Mindvalley are also called Quests.
For those not in the know, Mindvalley Quests follow a different structure than most online courses. The Quests content is spread into daily 10-20 minute bits of reading and video lessons. And, the video and reading lessons are also supported by various tasks.
These tasks are key to your success in this journey. They involve putting everything you learn into practice in real-life. And, since the whole class is based on science, make sure to do the tasks exactly as requested. Do not skip on anything, even if some tasks might seem silly at first. No detail is unimportant if you want to reap the maximum benefits of Mindvalley Quest.
The average daily duration of the lessons, while short, is fully intentional. It is the daily optimal time for fully absorbing entirely new information. Ever wondered why most TEDx talks last approximately 18-minutes? Coincidence? No. Neuroscience? Yes.
You will also see that some of these tasks involve communicating with your “tribe”. The Mindvalley Tribe is a shared online community of people following the same course. You are often asked to publicly share the details of your growth. The Tribe will then give you feedback, answer your questions, and provide an overall “support system” for you.
Why is this system important for your progress? You guessed it! Good old neuroscience at work yet again!
While taking Mindvalley Quests, you’ll quickly realize that sharing your goals, motivations, progress, and hurdles is one of the keys to automating your brain for high performance.
Mindvalley Events
Mindvalley offers more than online programs. The dedicated community of Mindvalley also hosts various workshops, seminars, and talks.
Not only will you be meeting spirituality experts face to face, but the events also offer a great opportunity for networking. In fact, the seeds of several startups have been sown at various Mindvalley events.
Next, allow me to give you a quick overview of the most popular Mindvalley events.
Mindvalley University
Mindvalley University is a 21-day yearly event exclusively for All Access students. Mindvalley University is a global campus of transformative learning. The event will host 50+ self development experts and will have 100+ inspirational talks and workshops.
Mindvalley Live
Mindvalley Live is a 3-day spiritual self-improvement retreat that hosts only 250 attendees. It is also the only bilingual (Russian, English) Mindvalley event and is said to be the most intimate of all their events.
Mindvalley A-Fest
Mindvalley A-Fest is an invite-only Mindvalley event. A-Fest is a 3-day event that will connect inspirational teachers, visionaries, and entrepreneurs. Despite being an exclusive event, everyone has the opportunity to apply for A-Fest.
Mindvalley Mentoring
Mindvalley Mentoring is a platform offering high-impact coaching from Vishen Lakhiani and his mentors.
At times, you will actually be learning alongside Vishen. This is quite a unique approach to mentoring. One that will give you an intimate view of how a high-performing CEO approaches the act of learning.
The subscription to All Access also includes the Mindvalley Mentoring program.
However, if you wish to purchase Mentoring individually, the yearly subscription would cost you $199.
MindValley and MasterClass
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