MindValley and MasterClass
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Everyone aspires to be their most best selves. Because of this, self-improvement is a lucrative industry today.
We all seem to be striving to improve our health, intelligence, knowledge, and level of achievement.
When it comes to personal growth, Mindvalley is one of the heavy hitters and is generating some attention.
But ask yourself if it's worthwhile before you spend any money. Will it fulfil its promises, too?
Over the past few years, I've finished nine Mindvalley programmes. This is my frank assessment of everything you need know about Mindvalley.
My review process (why you can trust this Mindvalley review)
Before we start I’d like to very briefly explain what you can expect from this Mindvalley review.
Because let’s face it, the internet is awash with pretty questionable information these days. And call me a sceptic, but personally when I stumble upon a review for anything…I’m pretty dubious.
The first thing to go through my mind is, what are their motives?
Because I’m looking for honest opinions from unbiased people who have actually used the services.
So this is my reassurance to you, that is what you will find here.
I promise you:
- I haven’t just skimmed through a bit of Mindvalley content, I have done 9 now of their programs in full.
- I will tell it to you straight. I want this review to be genuinely useful, and so I will lay out not only the parts I like about Mindvalley, but any parts I didn’t like too.
What is Mindvalley?

What precisely is Mindvalley and what services does it provide, then?
A platform for online learning called Mindvalley offers classes on a range of subjects.
These programmes are made to assist students in improving many facets of their lives.
Hypnosis, meditation, brain performance, self-care, fitness, business, interpersonal skills, health & wellness, spiritual development, and other topics are covered in some of Mindvalley's courses.
The courses are instructed by well-known authorities in a variety of disciplines, including psychology, neuroscience, nutrition, and mindfulness.
They have really top-notch teachers, and I'd say it's one of the things that sets this platform apart from others.
For me, the general calibre of the programmes is another noteworthy aspect. not just the content, but also the creation and delivery of the video.
Even if the material is valuable, I find that if something isn't very well put together visually, it turns me off. After all, learning ought to be as simple as feasible.
Therefore, the fact that it is a very well-polished platform is definitely a positive.
Why I decided to try it
Don't worry; I'll get into all the details, advantages, and disadvantages of Mindvalley very soon.
But I do want to do a detailed assessment. In order to provide background, I'd want to explain why I initially chose to start utilising the Mindvalley platform.
I detested learning. (I'm the one who is writing this review, by the way.)
It was a tremendously challenging setting for me to study in. It had no effect on my confidence. And I discovered that a lot of what I was "learning" was actually quite unrelated to daily living. In fact, I couldn't wait to leave that place.
But I've always had a strong sense of curiosity. I find a lot of topics to be completely fascinating.
I enjoy reading, watching films, and listening to podcasts about a variety of subjects. My favourite thing, however, is when I leave with a new ability or a deeper understanding of who I am.
I was passionate about this because I thought it was what I was missing from school.
I read an interview with Vishen Lakhiani, the creator of Mindvalley.
He stated in it that he founded the platform so that people might learn everything that is not taught in school but that should be!
I could truly relate to this philosophy. So, after looking at the website, I made the decision to give it a shot.
Who are the Mindvalley instructors?

As I have indicated, Mindvalley unites some of the top self-help instructors on a one platform.
I’d say some of the biggest names on the site are:
- Jim Kwik – An expert on mind hacking and brain training.
- Ken Honda – Bestselling Author of “The Japanese of making peace with your money”
- Robin Sharma – Author of “The Monk Who Sold his Ferrari.”
- Marisa Peer – UK psychologist and hypnotherapy expert.
But there is also a significant probability that you won't be familiar with most of the Mindvalley professors unless you are a seasoned personal development addict already.
I'm positive I hadn't. But here's why I believe that's not a bad thing:
Other platforms blatantly rely on the celebrity impact to gain audiences. In particular, Masterclass comes to mind.
By the way, I'll discuss a few of the current Mindvalley rivals later on in the article.
But Mindvalley really seeks out experts rather than merely obtaining extremely well-known people. As a result, you'll find educators with a wealth of credentials and years of actual classroom experience.
What courses can you do on Mindvalley?
Currently, Mindvalley provides over 50 different programmes, and they are constantly introducing more.
Others address more broad subjects, while others of them are fairly particular.
What I appreciate is that some topics are a little more "out there," imparting knowledge that is far less conventional and alternative. Others are quite useful tools that can be used to simply better your life, career, and health.
Although I personally like to dabble in both, there are topics for just about everyone, so it doesn't matter which side of the fence you are on.
The site's many courses are divided into 6 categories to make it easier to navigate:
1) Mind
In this section, you’ll find various techniques and tools to strengthen your brain power, improve your mindset and shift your belief system.
2) Relationships
This section includes everything from parenting to romance. Along with topics like “finding the one”, and navigating relationships in a healthy way, you’ll also find programs like ‘Tantra Touch’ about sex and sensuality.
3) Body
Not only exercise and diet, but you’ll also find programs on fasting, modern energy work and even how to slow the aging process.
4) Soul
You’ll find programs on spirituality and cultivating better inner peace and connection to yourself.
5) Career
Some of the more practical programs from the career section include improving your memory, learning public speaking, becoming more productive, and being better at networking. Others are more general life tools such as becoming more focused and resilient.
6) Entrepreneurship
This has its own separate section, rather than being clumped in with career, which I think is good. You can find programs on money making, being more successful, leadership, and building a business.
As I already alluded to, some of the programs can be quite esoteric and stray away from widely scientifically accepted facts.
I’m thinking in particular of courses that dive into topics like astral projection, energy healing and ESP.
But my take on it is:
What resonates with you will resonate with you. We all have different beliefs and I genuinely enjoy and am open to learning about even the less conventional subjects on the site.
If you aren’t, a lot of the of programs are also based on psychology and science to help you advance your life. It’s about picking what feels most aligned for you.
Mini Mindvalley reviews of some popular programs I’ve taken
I've completed many of the Mindvalley programmes, as I noted in the review's introduction.
I'd say I've done enough now to know what the site's major strengths and limitations are, which is why this evaluation is very in-depth.
Here are a few brief summaries of some of the programmes I've done and my opinions on them.
Lifebook Online

This was the very first Mindvalley program I took.
The reason I decided to take Lifebook Online:
- I could try it for free, because it offered a money-back guarantee for anyone who actually finishes the course. What can I say, I’m cautious with my money!
- It is one of Mindvalley’s most popular courses, and a lot of people seemed to be talking about it.
- It seemed like a really good general life improvement course, taking into account areas like your finances, health, relationships, and more. So it seemed like a really good place to start.
My results from taking Lifebook Online:
The closest thing I’d describe Lifebook to is probably goal setting.
So basically the course really helped me to get far more clarity about what I want in all areas in my life. Then importantly, it put a bit of a rocket up my ass to motivate me to actually do it.
I’d say it’s a great choice for procrastinators, people who feel a bit stuck, and anyone in need of some motivation and inspiration to make positive change.
I liked the fact it was a good mix of uplifting energy combined with practical tools designed to help you take action.

A little confession:
When I decided to do Superbrain it was with a bit of a heavy heart at first.
I’d heard of Jim Kwik’s best-selling book ‘Limitless’ from a few friends. I knew he was a really big name in brain training.
And the promise of significantly improving my brain power wasn’t something I wanted to just ignore.
But memory improvement and better brain performance also sounded like it might take a lot of work and that sort of put me off (hey, I’m just being honest).
I’d already bought the Mindvalley Membership by this point (which I’ll talk more about later). And as that gives you unlimited yearly access to the vast majority of programs, so I had nothing to lose.
Which Mindvalley course is best?
It’s so tricky to say, as it depends on what you are looking for. But Superbrain is certainly one of their best sellers…and I figured all those people couldn’t be wrong.
My results from taking Superbrain
This program hugely boosted my confidence and gave me so many tangible tools and hacks.
I loved that it was all science-backed to give you shortcuts to boosting your mental prowess.
By the end:
- I felt like I could think clearer, with far fewer episodes of brain fog
- I found a better structure for learning, which helped me learn quicker
- I learned a really great morning routine that I incorporated into my day
Despite my reservations the program was way more fun and easy than I was expecting it to be.

Another one of Mindvalley's most well-known programmes is this one.
However, FYI, it's a so-called "partner programme," making it one of just two on the website that isn't a part of the Mindvalley membership (the other one is Lifebook).
I really wanted to enrol in this course because, despite what it might seem to you, I despise the fad diet industry.
I really believe that adopting a healthy lifestyle and eating habits will make you happier and healthier. And that is the main focus of this nutrition course on healthy eating.
I wasn't particularly unhealthy previously, but the idea of developing better eating habits sounded quite enticing.
My results from taking Wildfit
This programme is three months lengthy, so everything happens gradually with an emphasis on long-term, sustainable changes.
One of its greatest advantages is that you can't change a lifetime of habits in a single day.
But it also means that it's a commitment, and I was proud of myself for keeping that commitment.
The finest part, in my opinion, was how it assisted in altering my perspective on food and how to nourish your body.
It is considerably more successful than simply instructing us to avoid eating hot dogs and stick to carrots because it delves deeply into the psychology of food.
This offered me a lot more knowledge about the facts regarding healthy eating, and knowledge is power.
Be Extraordinary

This brief assessment of "Be Extraordinary" is included since it was written by Vishen Lakhaini, the architect of the Mindvalley platform.
Which is one of the reasons I also made the decision to enrol in the programme; from what I had read and seen about him, I loved his perspective on learning and self-development in general.
And the only way to achieve your full potential, increase your success, and improve your quality of life is to alter your lifestyle.
Nobody on the earth, in my opinion, doesn't desire that!
My results from taking Be Extraordinary
I learned a lot from this class, including how much pleasure and success stem from the inside out.
Others will undoubtedly see significant changes in the way their lives appear on the outside after completing this programme, but I believe my changes were primarily inside.
I came to understand how crucial it is to appreciate the process as someone who frequently criticises my own progress because I constantly want to be more along than I am.
Regarding both how much influence I truly have over my life and how I respond to everything that happens to me, I felt rather empowered.
How does a Mindvalley lesson work?

I'm going to give you a brief overview of the Mindvalley program's structure so you can get a sense of how the programmes are put together.
It will give you a decent indication of what to expect since most courses follow a similar format.
There are daily lessons throughout the curriculum. Simply select the right programme day from the drop-down menu to find:
- A daily video lesson from the course teacher
- Guidelines for the lesson
- Tasks to complete — which is like brief homework
- Any additional material you might need in PDF form
How long will it take you to do a Mindvalley program?
– The programs last anywhere from a couple of weeks up to a few months, usually with daily lessons.
— The daily video content generally lasts anywhere from 5-20 minutes (although some are longer).
— Expect a few small practical tasks to complete after the video.
Because Mindvalley favors the “micro-learning” model, it’s designed to fit into busy lives.
I’d say on average putting aside one hour a day to do the program is plenty (sometimes less, sometimes a bit more).
What does Mindvalley cost?

We should probably start talking about money now.
I wouldn't say I'm frugal, but I've always handled money wisely. I dislike wasting anything that I've worked hard for.
Therefore, it is a factor in my decision to invest.
There are two ways to access Mindvalley programmes:
Purchasing each application separately
Paying a Mindvalley membership fee
I chose to use Lifebook when I initially started playing with Mindvalley. It's one of only two programmes out of the site's more than 50 that isn't covered by membership, as I mentioned before.
But in addition to a money-back guarantee, it also promised a reimbursement if you completed the entire course, thus making it free.
Having said that, there are money-back guarantees for both the membership and the individual programmes you purchase. So if you don't like it, you can give it a try without paying anything.
Buying the individual programs
If you want to buy just one program, you will find that the courses are individually priced.
They are all slightly different, but the ballpark figure is between $300 and $400.
For that, you usually get:
- Lifetime access to the course.
- Access to the Mindvalley discussion boards and groups or this class, which is designed to support you through the program.
I think it’s a good choice for you if:
There is only really one program that you really want to do on the Mindvalley website.
You know you will want to revisit this program more than once and so it’s worth investing in.
The Mindvalley Membership
Without a doubt, I believe that for the vast majority of individuals, the Mindvalley Membership is a much better choice.
It's likely that Mindvalley is also aware of this. This offer was clearly not designed by chance. They aim to promote brand adherence. But it also benefits us, the customer, so I suppose everyone wins.
For $499, you may purchase a yearlong subscription that provides you unrestricted access to the great majority of their 50+ courses for the whole year. Although it obviously costs substantially more over the course of a year, you may also pay for the membership monthly for $99 each month.
In other words, you practically receive unlimited access for about $100 more than if you purchased just one product, which is obviously far better value.
There are a few extremely crucial considerations, though:
Unlike when you purchase a standalone application that you may keep forever, you will only have access for the year that your subscription is active.
They have two well-known programmes that aren't there: Lifebook and Wildfit. If it was exactly those two you had your eye on, this will be really annoying. However, you might not even notice it.
Check out a few of the programmes before purchasing just one course, in my opinion.
It serves no use to act as though $500 is a small sum of money. For most of us, it's a sizable sum of money. Additionally, most people don't view it as a necessary expenditure.
In the end, I chose to invest because:
Putting my money where my mouth is encourages me to maintain my commitment. I'm not sure if I would turn up and perform the work in the same manner if I weren't paying for it. Oddly, the fact that I was genuinely devoting money to it made me value it more.
I am aware that I waste my money on a lot of temporary and unnecessary things. One of the most sensible investments I could potentially make seemed to be to use money to invest in myself, both practically and emotionally.
The pros and cons of Mindvalley
Here is a summary of my favourite aspects of Mindvalley as well as any aspects of the platform or programmes that I don't particularly like.
- I already said formal education was a struggle for me. That’s why I loved the digestible learning of the courses on Mindvalley. They intentionally offer bite-sized lessons because it’s scientifically proven to be more conducive for effective learning. It means they have some of the highest completion rates in the industry of people actually finishing the courses, rather than giving up halfway through.
- The money-back guarantee so that you can try it out and decide whether it’s for you or not, without any financial risk.
- The really wide-reaching topics that are available. I’m confident in saying there’s something on there for every taste and preference. The membership option also allows you to try out and explore totally new interests.
- I would say the platform is unique in the self-help space. I haven’t found any other learning and personal development platforms that offer quite what Mindvalley does.
- The teachers are the best of the best and leading industry experts in what they teach.
- The technical side of things is very high quality and slick. The site is easy to navigate, and the production elements of the courses are well put together.
- The price. An individual program will set you back on average a few hundred dollars, and the membership is $499 when you buy it annually. No matter how you package it, that’s clearly a hefty investment to make. What I will say is that for me at least, the membership did ultimately offer good value for money.
- The effort and time commitment. Maybe this is less of a con and more of a reality check for us all. Even though they are designed to fit into your daily life, you obviously need to find the time and inclination to show up and do the program. Most courses probably need no more than an hour a day, and last about a month. Others though, like Wildfit (which lasts 3 months) take more time.
- The hard sell. I’m maybe being a bit picky here, but I promised to give you the truth about any things I didn’t like. Marketing is just a fact of life when you are being sold anything. But sometimes I found myself scrolling down pages of spiel telling me how great the programs are. Although admittedly, a) I am stubborn and don’t like being sold to b) the programs did deliver on the quality content they promised.
Who is Mindvalley worth it for?
Mindvalley is a great choice for you if:
- You believe in self-empowerment, you like learning new things, and you want practical tools in order to improve various areas of your life.
- You find it challenging to actually make and stick to positive changes, and need some help and support to kick procrastination and overwhelm into touch.
- You love self-help books, podcasts, and other personal development content.
- You have an interest in alternative lifestyles and spirituality (because many of the programs have an esoteric feel).
- You like the idea of learning in small bite-sized chunks on a daily basis to help fit personal development into your busy life.
Mindvalley isn’t a good fit for you if:
- You are only looking for very skills-based learning and development. For example, they are the sort of programs that show you how to be more resilient, plan your time better, and parent your kids more efficiently. They aren’t about teaching you how to play guitar or cook a perfect souffle.
- You suspect you aren’t really committed to doing the work. You might like the idea, but you might question whether you’ll make time to actually go through the programs. There’s no shame in realizing this. And it’s better to save your money.
- You need more support. Most of the programs are pre-recorded rather than a hands-on learning experience. You can join the community to get peer support whilst you do the programs, and there are some pre-recorded Q+A sessions, but you are working through the content at your own pace. You won’t get a teacher looking over your shoulder.
In a nutshell: Is Mindvalley worth it?
Since this is such a personal query, only you may respond. I hope that my viewpoint and some of the individualised details about my personal interactions with Mindvalley may aid in your decision-making.
Many individuals are curious about Mindvalley's reputation as a business. And about which I can ease your concerns.
When it comes to self-development, it is a market leader. And for many people, it serves as their go-to, trusted source for information on personal growth.
But that doesn't guarantee that everyone will find it to be a good fit.
What I got from Mindvalley was:
- Enthusiasm for learning and growing as a person.
- The chance to try out totally new and interesting subjects that I knew nothing about.
- A better sense of self — including self-belief, confidence, and a “go-getter” attitude.
- Some practical habits and tools that I could easily include in my daily life to make me more productive, and successful but also happier.
MindValley and MasterClass
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